Monthly Archives: March 2015

Imposed niceness

The people of Glasgow have a tradition of opening the door and holding it open for anyone else who might be coming behind. This is a courteous thing of anyone to do. Very simple gesture it is, but, be a recipient of the gesture and then decide if it makes you feel special or not. This tradition practically achieves one thing: Showing love and kindness to other people, and you’d agree that makes our world a better place.

Soon after I first observed this, I found myself opening the door, and upon seeing other people coming behind me, smiled at them and held the door open. Whether or not they had asked for the niceness, I made sure I gave it to them. Intention is what really matters right? Right. Sometimes the niceness recipient was several steps away. To accept my niceness and be ‘considerate’, they would double up to get in the door in time. It made me smile inside of me. Did they really need me asking them to run up – that’s what I just did. I’ve been on the receiving end myself and I have had to jog up a number of times. For me, myself and I, there was no advantage I gained having someone hold the door open and smile at me. It only made me stress no matter how small.

So you see both sides of the equation and wonder if it is necessary to keep this niceness on. If I remember well, I did this niceness imposition on an elderly woman this morning. I made her jog when she may not have required it. But, regardless, I maintain that intention is what matters more. It makes the earth cosier to live in. If you’re in the habit of showing niceness this way and other ways, keep doing it.

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Posted by on March 30, 2015 in Uncategorized


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In secular contexts, the word has found regular usage.

I’m reading Hebrews 11 and the first verse tells of faith as being sure of  what we hope for and being certain of what we believe. in other words, what you want is not there yet, but you know it will come.

Can it then be likened to wishful thinking? plainly, could we say someone who has faith simply wishes. I would  think not. there is a “certainty” aspect to faith which could defy logic – human logic. Radical faith most times, if not all the time, defies common sense. it could make you look stupid, until your results arrive.

People who excersice such crazy faith seem out of their sense. They have motivations based on elements real only to them. and even though every one around them thinks them nuts, they know what they know and are sure.

For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God

See? That doesn’t  even make sense even to most people reading this, but that’s what faith is. It mostly defies common sense. For instance where is the sense in believing you will conceive and have a child when you’re past menopause?

To people who have integrated themselves into the faith domain, there’s no turning back. They get results.

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Posted by on March 20, 2015 in Uncategorized